This Blog is about washing your hands to get rid of germs, so that you don’t spread infection. Germs are bacteria, yeast and viruses that cause sickness and infection. They are so small you can’t see them.
Germs are always on your hands, and can spread to other parts of your body, the people you care for, and any other part of your body you touch.Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose, handling garbage, and handling anything bloody or dirty.

You must wash your hands before and after you take care of a patient, touch their food or drink, and use the toilet. For good handwashing, you need to wash for 20-30 seconds almost half a minute. You can time yourself by humming the “Happy Birthday” song two times.
Read more “Coronavirus Handwashing properly | Better way to make handwashing by using auto soap dispenser”