How to use a digital thermometer. Mistakes using oral, underarm, rectal modes

A digital thermometer from Bluepar is a universal device for accurate body temperature measurement. It works on three modes and measures: temperature, orally rectally and axillary how to use a thermometer to measure the temperature press, the on/off button and place it into the measuring location.

The digital thermometer will notify you with a signal when the results are ready. The signal notifies you that the temperature measuring speed has dropped. Therefore, we advise you to keep it in the measuring location for a little longer how to measure temperature orally place.

The digital thermometer under the tongue close your mouth and breathe through your nose. The flexible device tip, allows you to do this very easily. After the signal you can remove the device and see the result do not consume cold or hot drinks before measurement how to measure temperature rectally.

This method is considered the most accurate. You should place the sensor approximately 1.5 centimeters into the anus during temperature measurement, ensuring that the metal tip is fully inserted. The signal will notify you when the measurement is complete, do not forget to clean the thermometer before and after use for most accurate results do not measure a child’s.

Body temperature, after a warm bath or after the child has been crying. These actions increase the body temperature for some time. Therefore, the results will not be accurate. How to measure temperature axillary.

This is the easiest measuring method. You need to switch on the thermometer place it under your armpit and wait for results during axillary measurement. We advise you to keep the thermometer in place for another minute after the signal in order to allow the device to average.

The results do not measure temperature this way, while you are dressed or after a bath or a hot drink. What the flashing Elle symbol means. It means that the air temperature is not high enough for the thermometer reading, that is, it is below 32 degrees Celsius.

This is not a low battery warning. It is just a sign to place the thermometer in a location where it will be able to measure the body temperature how to change the measuring unit to change the measuring units from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

crop person handing over medical thermometer
Photo by Ave Calvar Martinez on

You need to press and hold the on/off button for four seconds to return to Celsius. Repeat the action: how to clean the thermometer. The thermometer is water-resistant. Therefore, we advise you to wash it with cold soapy water before and after each use or use a disinfectant.

Digital thermometer will become a true friend and helper in temperature measurement, use it correctly and be healthy.

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