
How to Take your Temperature by using thermometers

A precise reading of the person’s temperature is an essential tool in managing illness. Listed below are the various types of thermometers as well as how to utilize them, along with
information on when it’s time for you to see a doctor.

Why should I take my temperature?

Looking at your body’s temperature with a thermometer is a simple way to find out if a fever exists. A
fever, which really is a rise in the body’s temperature, is usually triggered by
contamination. Though fevers can be uncomfortable, they may be an indicator that
your body is overcoming infection.

There are various types of thermometers you may use to measure temperature. When working with any type of
thermometer, be sure you read and follow the instructions that include the
thermometer. In case your thermometer uses batteries, check them. You may notice
that poor batteries give inconsistent readings.

Exactly what is a normal body’s temperature?

Normal body temperature is approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or 37 levels Celsius (°C). Normal
temperature often varies from 1° to 2°F (½° to 1°C). A standard temperature is
usually reduced the morning hours and increases throughout the day. It reaches
its saturated in the late evening or evening.

What temperature is considered a fever?

In adults, a fever is known as to be always a temperature
of 100.4°F (38°C) or above. You can treat this aware of a fever reducer
medication and liquids to make your self convenient, or allow it run its course.
But if it gets to 102°F (38.8°C) or more and home treatment doesn’t lower it,
call your doctor.

What forms of thermometer must i use to take a temperature?

Digital thermometer

A digital thermometer is the most
accurate and fastest way to have a temperature. Digital thermometers can be
purchased in most medication stores and supermarket pharmacies. Based on where
you shop, a digital thermometer can cost from $6 to $20. Make sure to follow
bundle instructions when using any thermometer.

Digital thermometer when planning on taking your temperature

12s digital thermometer

How exactly to use an electronic thermometer?

An electronic thermometer can be used three various ways. Included in these are:

1. Oral: Because of this method, the thermometer is positioned under the tongue. This method is utilized
for adults and children 4 and over who can keep thermometer in mouth area.

2. Rectal: For this method, the thermometer is put gently in to the
rectum. That is mainly done in babies but can found in children up to 3 years old. You may take rectal temps in children more than three years, but it could be difficult to keep them as still as they have to stay.

3. Orally: Because of this method, the thermometer is placed in the armpit for young children or
adults whose heat can’t safely be achieved orally. This technique is much less
accurate as oral or rectal but can be utilized as an instant first check. You
are able to follow this with an dental or rectal reading.

Other styles of thermometers (small children and adults):
Tympanic (ear): This sort of thermometer steps the temperature within the ear by reading the infrared temperature there. For best results, be sure to follow the instructions on these
devices about placing the end correctly. For old infants and children, ear
thermometers can be quicker and simpler to use. However, they aren’t recommended
if your child is 90 days old or more youthful. They shouldn’t be used if your
son or daughter has too much earwax, or if indeed they come with an

Temporal artery (forehead): Forehead thermometers are also used to measure temperature, but might not be as reliable as the digital thermometers and are usually more costly. They are positioned on the temporal artery of the forehead and gauge the infrared high temperature that comes from the head.

What types of thermometers aren’t recommended?

Some thermometers are not recommended due to their inaccuracy.

Plastic strip thermometers only measure the skin temperature.
Pacifier thermometers are not precise and are difficult to use correctly because they have to stay in the child’s mouth for long enough to record a temperature.
Smartphone app thermometers.

Is my old mercury glass thermometer okay to use?

No, you should not use your old cup thermometer that contains mercury. These types of thermometers were found in nearly every house and hospital at one time before digital thermometers had been available. The mercury thermometers were difficult to read and so did not always provide accurate information.

Plastic strip thermometers only measure the skin temperature.
Pacifier thermometers are not precise and are difficult to use correctly because they have to stay in the child’s mouth for long enough to record a temperature.
Smartphone app thermometers.

The main reason they aren’t longer recommended is that mercury can poison you. This can happen when the glass breaks and mercury is released. If you do still have one of these thermometers, you should contact your local waste department and find how to dispose of hazardous waste properly.

There are glass thermometers available that do not use mercury, but most people prefer the digital thermometers that do not shatter.

How do I take a temperature with a thermometer?

Using a digital oral thermometer

Wash your hands with soap and warm water.
Use a clean thermometer, one that has been washed in cold water, cleaned with rubbing alcohol, and then rinsed to remove the alcohol.
Do not eat or drink anything for at least five minutes before you take the heat because the temp of the food or beverage could make the reading inaccurate. You should keep your mouth closed during this time.
Place the thermometer tip under the tongue.

Hold the thermometer in the same spot for about 40 seconds.

Readings will continue to increase and the F (or C) symbol will flash during measurement.
Usually, the thermometer will make a beeping noise when the final reading is done (usually about 30 seconds). If you are keeping track, record the temperatures and the time.

Rinse thermometer in cool water, clean it with alcoholic beverages and rinse again.